Monday, June 28, 2010

New Ownership

I apologize for this not being announced earlier, but the website has been given away and is now under new ownership.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

6/16/10 "Keying your brain"

Today was a strange day.. not much was accomplished other than filling in a packet that matched a power point. The difficulties with this were that many of people's packets did not have the right amount of papers and some were out of order. This, of course, was blamed on other people, like another packet we received which was blamed on a substitute teacher, although he had nothing to do with it.

This power point, of course, was saturated with every transition and sound effect MS Office has to offer and packed with irrelevant images that we were told were designed to "key your brains." In fact, we were told that Marsha was "keying our brains" 5 times in a 5 minute period.
If keying a brain is anything like keying a car, I might be able to agree with her.

To give you an idea of how irrelevant the brain keying images are, I'll describe some:

"Which of the following describes biodiversity?" = smiley face holding recycling can
"Why do scientists warn that a mass extinction is occurring now?" = brick bridge
"Why have poulations in most developed countries stopped growing?" = smiling flower
"What is a hectare?" = picture of starfish
"What is a placer deposit?" = tornado
"Which abiotic factors characterize a forest ecosystem?" = child on beach
"What might happen within an ecosystem when a keystone species is driven to extinction?"
= a nerve synapse w/ neurotransmitters
This one was my favorite, and I had to explain to her that it was a nerve synapse. I must admit, my brain feels extremely violated, almost as if someone key'd it.
After inquiring about this one and explaining to her what it was, she said:
Because everything that happens with a key species affects everything.
Stay classy, Marsha Sall.

..and to top things off, the New Paper count for today for each student is: 8

Monday&Tuesday tallies

Monday (6/14/10):
New Papers: 6
Tuesday (6/15/10):
New Papers: 8
Pangaea! (displaying graphic of modern continents)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Some of last week's

New Papers: 7
Essence: 10
New Papers: 3
Your computer will not work - there is no Google today!
I don't remember, when I was nine. I don't know what I knew then.
I'm not surprised, as you can't remember what you're supposed to be teaching.
New Papers: 7
New Papers: 1
The last I heard, it was called, in short, The Soviet Union.
(For about 3 minutes the whole class kept trying to explain to Marsha that The Soviet Union was dissolved and that the majority of it was Russia, but she didn't believe us. She kept telling us that Russia wasn't a country and that it was The Soviet Union.)
Seriously, have you spent your whole life in a fallout shelter?

Friday, June 4, 2010

6/4/10 - essentially you eat the core of an apple

If you have an apple, it has a core that it grows from. So in essence, the core of the apple is what you eat.
The uterus is the womb from which you grow from. So in essence, you are a uterus.

PS: The reason there were no quotes from yesterday was because Marsha took her weekly vacation on Thursday (she skips once per week).

Essence: 11
Concept: 3
Recognize: 5

New Papers: 4

New Sall-Talk: prossibly, Tranobyl

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

6/2/10 - hydrolysis & placer deposit separate water from the dioxide (explaining hydrolysis)

What is a placer deposit? (displaying picture of a tornado)
(students all ask why there's a picture of a tornado) are used to stimulate your brain (goes on to explain how 'concepts' & blah blah)
(student: So what is a placer deposit?)
It is a deposit formed.
how is babby formed

Concept: 8
Essence: 5

New Papers: 3

6/1/10 - Protons & Neutrons have opposite charges, France provides power for Europe

France.. supplies the nuclear ("nucular") energy to all of Europe... and certainly the whole country.
France, a-ah, savior of the Euroverse!

(student), may I see your pass? (student just entered the room 40 seconds ago)
(student goes up with pass)
(other student): She has already been here for 10 minutes.
Excuse me, Mr (other student), I do know that, excuse me, I know. (with 'I'm so smart smugness)
..the power of observation at its finest has the protons and neutrons, which are attracted to each other because of opposite charges... it also has electrons, which...
You heard it here, folks.

Technically: 1
Concept: 3
Essence: 3
New Papers: 5

New Sall-Talk definitions added: extremendous, fridee

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Future of the Blog...and apologies....

Some of you may have seen a recent post in which I described some events in which I was wronged (by Marsha Sall) with some offensive and insulting language. As the issue regarding this post was eventually met with a compromise, I removed the post and apologize for any insults. I do not want this site to be one of insult.

EDIT: I would also like to mention that I received an email from the head of the science department regarding the described post after I removed the post. I don't want anyone falsely taking credit for this action, and this action was due to the kindness of my blood-pump.

I have not yet decided on the future of this blog, but recently its contents are starting to give me more of a feeling of this:

At the same time, some of the absurdity and recent events have given me a feeling of this:

(I like how this one mentions the trees)

..and it is because of these things that there is a possibility that website will end up like this:

Any feedback regarding this matter is welcome, whether you are a student, a fan, a teacher, a school administrator, or the Mighty One herself.

5/27/10 - Canada is Canada.. and the US

Canada covers Canada and some of the United States.
As Stephen Harper rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go?........

Natural gas... works by... burning......(*stands waving arms with silence*) the production of the organisms.
Teaching should not result in the burning of students' minds.

Fuel may not exist because there will be no tiny little marine organisms.
..maybe things just aren't as instantaneous as you would like?

If you go out to the shore in the summer, you will see the oil. (referring to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico...those poor lions)
Student: Wait. Hold on. So you're telling me that if I go to the beach this summer, I will see oil from the spill?
Yes, they're expecting it to come through the current.
Attention all guidos, please leave the beach.

"uneven, uneven...uneven, uneven..."
The class was a little confused by this tourettic explosion.

Introducing...the new counter system!

As Environmental Science is a class about environmental science and one that preaches the values of ecological conservation, I think it is important for you to know that Marsha is the most wasteful person I know. I have received about 15x more papers in this class than any other class I have ever had.

To illustrate this abomination to our arboreal friends, posts will now include a number for how many papers each student received.

5/20/10: 7
5/21/10: I forgot to count
5/24/10: 8
5/25/10: 4
5/26/10: I forgot once again
5/27/10: Now I'm just being lazy

It is also known by anyone who has had this class before that Marsha creatively spices up her sentences by throwing in the words concept, essence, and technically (and forms of those words) because she believes this makes her appear intelligent. It should also be noted that these words are rarely correctly used. In addition to the paper counter, there will be a tally for technically, essence, and concept when they are improperly or unnecessarily used.

Technically: 2
Concept: 5
Essence: 4
5/21/10: I got lazy again
5/24/10: I got lazy once again
5/25/10: I once again got lazy.
5/26/10: I once again got lazy once again.
5/27/10: I logged concept 6 times but was too lazy for the rest of them

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Name-Change FAIL

Marcia Sall


Cherry Hill High School (west)

Cherry Hill, New Jersey

  • Ratings: 7
  • Average Easiness: 2.9
  • Average Helpfulness: 1.1
  • Average Clarity: 1.1

I wonder what her name will be next year after she's cut...I'm shooting for "Maria Sallsa."

Monday, April 26, 2010

Rate Marsha Sall's Teaching!

Well, we all know that a certain someone is not keeping their job, but I think it is in the best interest of the state and its people that we rate Marsha's teaching career.

Go rate your hearts out:

Remember to only rate/review once (I'm not sure it allows you to rate/review more than once), and remember to be as honest as possible.

As it is possible that Marsha may know how to use a computer and may attempt to vote multiple times in her favor, please comment on this post with your rating & review!

(It will be obvious what writing is hers, as words will not form sentences and every third word will be "technically", "essence", or "essentially.")

The Site will now be back in session

I have been lazy with the website for a while, but I can take it no longer. I could have obtained at least 30 horrible quotes today in one 72 minute block. I can't even remember them there were so many, but I'll sum up some of them.

Marsha tried to explain to our class how UV radiation will build up in organisms via bio-accumulation, once again proving that she has no idea what bio-accumulation is.

I had had enough at this point, and I asked her what she meant by that statement and after I reiterated what she was telling us numerous times she confirmed it as science and Sallology. I then proposed a hypothetical situation, in which UV radiation was reaching phytoplankton and shrimp ate the phytoplankton.

She told our whole class that the shrimp would eat the phytoplankton and therefore accumulate UV radiation.

She then even went on to tell us that if the UV radiation was to cause mutations in the phytoplankton that THE SHRIMP WOULD OBTAIN THESE MUTATIONS VIA BIO-ACCUMULATION. (something about this sounds familiar)

At this point the whole class was laughing, and she lost control, telling me "YOU TRY TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A FOOL JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND THESE THINGS!" Marsha then went on to yell more of "YOU JUST CAN'T UNDERSTAND THIS" and surprisingly enough, the class continued to laugh.

Now as I do think it is unprofessional to insult your students (not to mention in front of the whole class), I think it must be applauded how she managed to undermine herself in such a hilarious way.

I will now continue to update the site to try and show what this teacher truly is. Not only does she still fail to understand simple concepts, but she has gone as far as announcing to the class that a certain student "has a problem. His mother told me all about it. That's why..." I won't say any more of this as I do not want to embarrass this student, but this level of professionalism is beyond absurd. I have never known of a teacher who gossiped about a student's disease to a class.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

4/01/10 Dolly-llama

They might take Dolly, a sheep, and mix it with a llama, or something like that (explaining Selective Breeding to the class).
I believe this may give us insight regarding how Marsha Sall thinks.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

3/31/10 Nothing special... cats..

A triangle means change, because it's a Greek letter in the alphabet called Delta, and it means change.
Thanks for clearing that up.

How many of you know that panthers lived in Florida at one time?

The Florida Panther lives. (which isn't even a true panther).

Student: Do saber-toothed tigers still exist?
...I don't think so... I don't know every single animal.

There was more site-worthy material said today, but I wasn't able to transcribe it verbatim, so I will not be putting it on the website.

I also added a quote from the 29th that I forgot to add..enjoy.

Monday, March 29, 2010

3/29/10 Food alters DNA & splitting genes

Biodiversity is just another name, for, (reads computer screen), biological diversity.
That was deep.

(student asked why only a small amount of the estimated number of bacteria species have been classified)
It's just one organism on the planet. Because bacteria mutates, it absorbs the antibiotics.
Someone is full of fail.

So when a child does not eat much for 5 years its DNA will be altered, and it will not grow as tall.

Think today about all of the species that you know exist, and we'll learn some that don't.

The dodo bird lived off of a tree. It was called a (?????) tree. It needed the fruit. It was symbiotic, and its droppings fertilized the tree. When there were no more trees, the bird went extinct.
Facts taken straight from Encyclopedia Britannica's Out-of-Your-Ass Volume.

...for example, if they don't go through the bottleneck, and the gene is split, then the offspring will have them.
Alright, seriously, what the hell just happened?

What animal do you want to go extinct?
Student: The naked mole rat.
I don't know what that is. Why do you want it to go extinct?
Student: -because they're stupid, fat, and ugly.
no comment

Minor Updates

I made some minor updates to the site today.
You no longer need an account to comment, and there is no verification for comments.

Thanks for visiting the site,

Sunday, March 28, 2010

3/26/10 Contradiction, Comprehension, & Confusion

Other Teacher: No teacher should have students as friends on Facebook.
I agree, it crosses the lines, boundaries.
Ms. Sall has tried adding students from our class as friends on Facebook.

These are bacteria. (picture of erythrocytes & leukocytes)
Student: Those look like red blood cells.
Yes, well, they do, but they are bacteria. They may look like blood cells.
This looks like a teacher, but it actually is not.

I don't think there's an answer here. It actually has no answer. It's how you think.
(She read a question-of-the-day off of a word document, and scrolled down to find that she forgot to find the answer.)
I like how this teacher is prepared for each lesson.

The stone wasn't from the island, so it must have been transported with advanced machinery. (referring to Easter Island)
There's no way they just carved the stone that was already there! Oh wait, they were carved out of tuff from Rano Raraku, the giant volcanic crater (on Easter Island).

Excuse me, eh, Jack, Zack, Mister, 'Jurremy'

Thursday, March 25, 2010

3/25/10 Nothing special.. someone was on their best behavior..

Whenever you have a graph, the whole idea is to see what the graph is telling you.
Wow, this whole time I've just been staring with my mouth open at the pretty lines.

Aboriginals are considered the most intelligent people in the world. They walk around in loincloths.

Why hasn't this been updated?

As you may have realized, the most recent quote is from 3/22 (it's in the header). This is because since then (teacher) has not returned to school.

Hopefully (teacher) will return by Friday, and the site will get some fresh material.

Update: (teacher) returned to school today!

Friday, March 19, 2010

3/19/10 There are no trees in the rainforest (AUDIO!)

That, what, you notice with most the recent flooding a lot of trees will be knocked down because there are no more root support, which is why the tropical rainforest can't support trees. There's, to, the soil's not there, and there's too much wet rain.

Okay, how are musk oxen adapted to life in the tundra?

(student asks about how are there no trees in the rain forest)

They have vines. Right they have very thin trees. Most of the trees are supported with vines. If I can find a picture I'll show you exactly what they look like.
(students continue to question, (teacher) tries to cover herself by saying...)
It's not the kind of trees we think of in the boreal forest. (Boreal forest??? Where did that come from???)

(Student: Wait, but don't vines grow on trees for support?)

No, not these kind of vines.

(class laughing)

These vines..

(Student: How do they grow up if there's nothing to climb?)

They do, vines climb, they can grow all over the place.

(Student: So they don't climb, they just go straight up?)

They do, usually, lot's go side to side, a lot of them grow up and down.

For details you'd have to check with a biologist, I don't have any details on vine growth. It's not like not one of my, um, yeah, I'm not 100% confident in telling you a lot about the vines and trees.


(Student: So the tropical rainforest, doesn't have any trees?)

It has trees, but it's not the kind of trees that you find in the boreal forest. There's a difference, okay? Alright, let's go!

|Insect Hibernation|

How do insects, squirrels, bears, lynxes, wolves adapt to winter?

Essentially, insects hibernate, squirrels and bears sleep most of the time.

(student: That's hibernating.)

Well, it's different, hibernation is a prolonged sleep.

(student: Bears hibernate.)

Um, squirrels and bears sleep most of the time.
(Student: Bears do hibernate.

And lynxes and wolves grow heavy coats.

(Student: Wait, what was...)

Insects hibernate, squirrels and bears sleep most of the time, and lynxes and wolves grow heavy coats. There we go!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

3/18/10 Savanna, redundancy, & nonsense

I have them scored, but I just need to grade them.

In the desert, pine, you're gonna have needles, so the water can needle, to run down the needle.
So pine trees have needles in order for water to needle down the needles? Well, I guess that makes sense.

For savanna, you're going to be close to Savanna, Georgia, Gulf of Mexico. (explaining the savanna biome to the class)
In other news, Bubba McBanjo was recently mauled by a lion.

OMG! LOOK! It's a herd of Wild Beasts! the writing of Marsha Sall

After a lot of pushing, I was able to get (teacher) to write this on March 12th. Before she actually wrote what she was talking about, she searched online furiously before writing that message 10 minutes later. She refused to write the other things she said, so I asked her to use her pen to write down her responses to two of my questions.

Before she wrote the note she was using the number "30" instead of "30,000."

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Marsha Sall is "Highly qualified."

Information available to the public via
Name Sall, Marsha Status full-time Degree Masters
County BURLINGTON District RANCOCAS VALLEY REGIONAL School Rancocas Valley Reg. H.S.
School address Rancocas Valley Reg. H.S., MOUNT HOLLY 08060 Map
2 years Experience
New Jersey
11 years Experience
11 years
SALARY $64,550 Employment 10 Months Job Code 2202
Job 1 Science General FTE F Job 2
Job 3
Job 4
Nat'l Bd.
Certificate Standard Grade Level High School Highly Qualified? Highly qualified. Has gradate or undergraduate degree in subject area.
Classes Taught 3

Friday, March 12, 2010

3/12/10 X-Ray, more carbon, phosphorus, & mental shutdown

What you see before you is an actual x-ray of the human body.
That is the exact image she was referring to and displaying via the projector.

The pollutants are used for cellular respiration.
Sweet, I want some!

If you are exposed to nuclear radiation, mutations may be passed on for generations by bio-accumulation.
In what way is that bio-accumulation?

Some of you have, wait, most of you, some, most of you have parts of carbon in you.

People used to have more carbon in their bodies.
Student: That makes no sense.
Excuse me!
Student: You're saying that people had more carbon atoms in their bodies?
Yes, because, carbon is an element, and it has a half life.
Not this crap again!

If you are a parent with 4 carbon molecules, and they have 6 protons, when you progenerate, your children will have less, because of carbon decay, so they will have less, thus it has been factually proven that humans once had more carbon.
WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? So she is saying that people have 4 carbon molecules, and that they will pass on less PROTONS via carbon decay.

Carbon is cycled, so sometimes it will be in the body and the ground, you will lose some. (in response to a student asking how humans have less carbon if it's cycled)

Flammable ("flah-mobble") becomes, it, the, eh, deh, the useful, for, uh, petroleum.
I was unaware that flammable was a chemical, and it appears that someone's brain shut down mid-speak.

There's something called white phosphorus, well, technically its red, and it's in matches. (She just found a picture of a red match in her Word document).
There are white doves, but, you know, technically they're red.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

3/11/10 Hawks & Shirt changing

A hawk was cycling around my yard, circling, to eat a bird, which ate a cricket presumably.

Turn around, and don't turn around again. (said to student facing forward)
Sure will/won't.

A whale will eat a crab. (in response to a student asking if crabs would eat dead whales)
No whale eats crabs.

Why do you have a different shirt on?
Student: I'm not wearing a different shirt.
Yes you are! You were wearing a different one!
Student: I never changed my shirt.
Did you go to your locker and change your shirt?!
Methinks someone is having some cross-chatter between brain hemispheres.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

3/10/10 Fungee

Fungi (pronounced "fun-gee") are mushrooms.
Mold begs to differ.

(pointing to a marlin on the food chain) "Mammals."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

3/9/10 3% of Earth's water is liquid

Only 3% of the Earth's water is liquid.

This is called a Wild Beast. (pointing to a picture of a wildebeest)

Monday, March 8, 2010

3/8/10 I hear what you're saying, but I don't

I hear what you are saying, but I don't hear what you are saying.
I'm sorry to hear that.

Friday, March 5, 2010

3/5/10 Animals exhale methane

Discover films have 700 options that sometimes do not fit.
This makes no remote sense whatsoever.

How many miles is 4 miles?

What do animals exhale? I think it's methane.
(the whole class says CO2)
*gives puzzled look*
*picks up worksheet*
"Oh, it's CO2. They exhale methane out of their butts."
Alright, this is seriously scary.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2/24/10 Walking is moving, mass = area

The mass of water on the Earth is 71% of the Earth's surface

When you walk outside onto the parking lot, you are moving.

Did you know that the ice caps on Mars are melting? And there's no people there!

Monday, February 22, 2010

2/22/10 Skiing on concrete

The atmosphere layers have pauses in between.
hence Pink Floyd's Great Vacuum in the Sky

Vancouver has no snow, but we have snow here.
This is why Olympians ski on concrete.

The continents will all become one again. You will be able to walk from New York to London.
For some reason I can't see myself doing this.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

2/18/10 Olympics measure in velocity

All the Olympic events are measured in distance over time, so they're measured in seconds.
Wow, I never knew they measured Olympic events by velocity. Apparently seconds don't measure time, either.

A liter bottle that you drink, well, it's not a liter, but it is a liter.
All the sheeple can get fooled by the evil bottling companies.

..the water displacement for the gold crown was greater than the other because it was more dense.
Volume schmolume.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2/17/10 $500 ruler

A $500 ruler is more precise than a 25 cent ruler, even though they do the same exact thing.
Same exact thing kind of implies that they do the same exact function. Find me this $500 ruler.

Friday, February 12, 2010

2/12/10 Probabilities don't need fractions

The probability of sharing a birthday with someone is actually 18,334,330.
I was unaware that whole numbers expressed probability.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2/9/10 Carbon Genes & 6ft Lab Tables

Humans used to have 20% more carbon in their bodies.
Cory: What do you mean, like the element carbon?
Cory: You're saying they had more atoms of carbon in their bodies?
Yes, because carbon is an element with a half life.
*pulls down periodic table & points to carbon*
Cory: Yeah, but you don't get your carbon from your parents.
But you get your genes from your parents!
Cory: Nevermind.

In college my professor had us stare at a burning candle. There are actually 132 ways to describe a burning candle.
As a burning candle is a dynamically changing object, there are an infinite number of ways to describe it.

The lab table is two meters high.
Two meters is around six and a half feet.

A hypothesis is not a guess. (repeated atleast 5x within a 1 minute period) A hypothesis is an educated guess, it is a guess.

Monday, February 8, 2010

2/8/10 Firemen use fire & redundancy

Firemen fight fire with fire.
Yeah, who uses water anymore?

Do it by yourself with a partner.