Sunday, March 28, 2010

3/26/10 Contradiction, Comprehension, & Confusion

Other Teacher: No teacher should have students as friends on Facebook.
I agree, it crosses the lines, boundaries.
Ms. Sall has tried adding students from our class as friends on Facebook.

These are bacteria. (picture of erythrocytes & leukocytes)
Student: Those look like red blood cells.
Yes, well, they do, but they are bacteria. They may look like blood cells.
This looks like a teacher, but it actually is not.

I don't think there's an answer here. It actually has no answer. It's how you think.
(She read a question-of-the-day off of a word document, and scrolled down to find that she forgot to find the answer.)
I like how this teacher is prepared for each lesson.

The stone wasn't from the island, so it must have been transported with advanced machinery. (referring to Easter Island)
There's no way they just carved the stone that was already there! Oh wait, they were carved out of tuff from Rano Raraku, the giant volcanic crater (on Easter Island).

Excuse me, eh, Jack, Zack, Mister, 'Jurremy'


bobbafette said...

at some point one might think to know your students name by march... im just sayin...just sayin

Cassondra said...

yes i mean three months in you should know this one.....especially since you see the child like EVERY DAY!!!

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