Monday, March 29, 2010

3/29/10 Food alters DNA & splitting genes

Biodiversity is just another name, for, (reads computer screen), biological diversity.
That was deep.

(student asked why only a small amount of the estimated number of bacteria species have been classified)
It's just one organism on the planet. Because bacteria mutates, it absorbs the antibiotics.
Someone is full of fail.

So when a child does not eat much for 5 years its DNA will be altered, and it will not grow as tall.

Think today about all of the species that you know exist, and we'll learn some that don't.

The dodo bird lived off of a tree. It was called a (?????) tree. It needed the fruit. It was symbiotic, and its droppings fertilized the tree. When there were no more trees, the bird went extinct.
Facts taken straight from Encyclopedia Britannica's Out-of-Your-Ass Volume.

...for example, if they don't go through the bottleneck, and the gene is split, then the offspring will have them.
Alright, seriously, what the hell just happened?

What animal do you want to go extinct?
Student: The naked mole rat.
I don't know what that is. Why do you want it to go extinct?
Student: -because they're stupid, fat, and ugly.
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Cassondra said...

excuse me but if a child doesn't eat for five years it is true that their DNA will be altered....and dramatically so ....because the child will be DEAD!

Anonymous said...

the great sayings of the best teacher in the whole world.

bobbafette said...

hey look who it is!!!!

Anonymous said...

that was me :D

Anonymous said...

dude thats nasty but she does look like one

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