Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Future of the Blog...and apologies....

Some of you may have seen a recent post in which I described some events in which I was wronged (by Marsha Sall) with some offensive and insulting language. As the issue regarding this post was eventually met with a compromise, I removed the post and apologize for any insults. I do not want this site to be one of insult.

EDIT: I would also like to mention that I received an email from the head of the science department regarding the described post after I removed the post. I don't want anyone falsely taking credit for this action, and this action was due to the kindness of my blood-pump.

I have not yet decided on the future of this blog, but recently its contents are starting to give me more of a feeling of this:

At the same time, some of the absurdity and recent events have given me a feeling of this:

(I like how this one mentions the trees)

..and it is because of these things that there is a possibility that website will end up like this:

Any feedback regarding this matter is welcome, whether you are a student, a fan, a teacher, a school administrator, or the Mighty One herself.

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