
3/12/10   Carbon is cycled, so sometimes it will be in the body and the ground, you will lose some. (in response to a student asking how humans have less carbon if it's cycled)

3/12/10   If you are a parent with 4 carbon molecules, and they have 6 protons, when you progenerate, your children will have less, because of carbon decay, so they will have less, thus it has been factually proven that humans once had more carbon.

3/12/10    People used to have more carbon in their bodies.
                Cory: That makes no sense.
                Excuse me!
                Cory: You're saying that people had more carbon atoms in their bodies?
                Yes, because, carbon is an element, and it has a half life.

3/12/10   Some of you have, wait, most of you, some, most of you have parts of carbon in you.
3/05/10   What do animals exhale? I think it's methane.
               (the whole class says CO2)
               *gives puzzled look*
               *picks up worksheet*
               Oh, it's CO2. They exhale methane out of their butts.

2/09/10   Humans used to have 20% more carbon in their bodies.
               Cory: What do you mean, like the element carbon?
               Cory: You're saying they had more atoms of carbon in their bodies?
               Yes, because carbon is an element with a half life.
               *pulls down periodic table & points to carbon*
               Cory: Yeah, but you don't get your carbon from your parents.
               But you get your genes from your parents!
              Cory: Nevermind.