
Here's a compilation of quotes as of 3/12/10

2/08/10   Firemen fight fire with fire

2/08/10   Do it by yourself with a partner.

2/09/10   Humans used to have 20% more carbon in their bodies.
               Cory: What do you mean, like the element carbon?
               Cory: You're saying they had more atoms of carbon in their bodies?
               Yes, because carbon is an element with a half life.
               *pulls down periodic table & points to carbon*
               Cory: Yeah, but you don't get your carbon from your parents.
               But you get your genes from your parents!
              Cory: Nevermind.

2/09/10   In college my professor had us stare at a burning candle. There are actually 132 ways to describe a burning candle.

2/09/10   The lab table is two meters high.

2/09/10   A hypothesis is not a guess. (repeated atleast 5x within a 1 minute period) A hypothesis is an educated guess, it is a guess.

2/12/10   The probability of sharing a birthday with someone is actually 18,334,330.

2/17/10   A $500 ruler is more precise than a 25 cent ruler, even though they do the same exact thing.

2/18/10   All the Olympic events are measured in distance over time, so they're measured in seconds.

2/18/10   A liter bottle that you drink, well, it's not a liter, but it is a liter.

2/18/10   ..the water displacement for the gold crown was greater than the other because it was more dense.

2/22/10   The atmosphere layers have pauses in between.

2/22/10   Vancouver has no snow, but we have snow here.

2/22/10   The continents will all become one again. You will be able to walk from New York to London.

2/24/10   The mass of water on the Earth is 71% of the Earth's surface.

2/24/10   When you walk outside onto the parking lot, you are moving.

2/24/10   Did you know that the ice caps on Mars are melting? And there's no people there!
3/05/10   Discover films have 700 options that sometimes do not fit.

3/05/10    How many miles is 4 miles?

3/05/10   What do animals exhale? I think it's methane.
               (the whole class says CO2)
               *gives puzzled look*
               *picks up worksheet*
               Oh, it's CO2. They exhale methane out of their butts.

3/08/10   I hear what you are saying, but I don't hear what you are saying.

3/09/10   Only 3% of the Earth's water is liquid.

3/09/10   This is called a Wild Beast. (pointing to a picture of a wildebeest)

3/10/10   Fungi (pronounced "fun-gee") are mushrooms.

3/10/10   (pointing to a marlin on the food chain) "Mammals."

3/11/10   A hawk was cycling around my yard, circling, to eat a bird, which ate a cricket presumably.

3/11/10   Turn around, and don't turn around again. (said to student facing forward)

3/11/10   A whale will eat a crab. (in response to a student asking if crabs would eat dead whales)

3/11/10   Why do you have a different shirt on?
               Student: I'm not wearing a different shirt.
               Yes you are! You were wearing a different one!
               Student: I never changed my shirt.
               Did you go to your locker and change your shirt?! 

3/12/10   The pollutants are used for cellular respiration.

3/12/10   If you are exposed to nuclear radiation, mutations may be passed on for generations     by bio-accumulation. 

3/12/10   Some of you have, wait, most of you, some, most of you have parts of carbon in you.

3/12/10    People used to have more carbon in their bodies.
                Cory: That makes no sense.
                Excuse me!
                Cory: You're saying that people had more carbon atoms in their bodies?
                Yes, because, carbon is an element, and it has a half life.

3/12/10   If you are a parent with 4 carbon molecules, and they have 6 protons, when you progenerate, your children will have less, because of carbon decay, so they will have less, thus it has been factually proven that humans once had more carbon.

3/12/10   Carbon is cycled, so sometimes it will be in the body and the ground, you will lose some. (in response to a student asking how humans have less carbon if it's cycled)

3/12/10   Flammable ("flah-mobble") becomes, it, the, eh, deh, the useful, for, uh, petroleum.

3/12/10   There's something called white phosphorus, well, technically its red, and it's in matches. (She just found a picture of a red match in her Word document).

3/18/10   I have them scored, but I just need to grade them.

3/18/10   In the desert, pine, you're gonna have needles, so the water can needle, to run down the needle.

3/18/10   For savanna, you're going to be close to Savanna, Georgia, Gulf of Mexico. (explaining the savanna biome to the class) 

3/19/10   ..the tropical rainforest can't support trees. (click link for dialog & recording)

3/22/10   I don't make mistakes.

3/25/10   Aboriginals are considered the most intelligent people in the world. They walk around in loincloths. 

3/25/10    Whenever you have a graph, the whole idea is to see what the graph is telling you.

3/26/10    Excuse me, eh, Jack, Zack, Mister, 'Jurremy'

3/26/10    The stone wasn't from the island, so it must have been transported with advanced machinery. (referring to Easter Island) 

3/26/10    I don't think there's an answer here. It actually has no answer. It's how you think. (She forgot to put the answer on her Word document.)

3/26/10    These are bacteria. (picture of blood cells)

3/29/10    Biodiversity is just another name, for, (reads computer screen), biological diversity.

3/29/10    It's just one organism on the planet. Because bacteria mutates, it absorbs the antibiotics.

3/29/10    So when a child does not eat (much?) for 5 years its DNA will be altered, and it will not grow as tall.

3/29/10    Think today about all of the species that you know exist, and we'll learn some that don't.

3/29/10    The dodo bird lived off of a tree. It was called a (?????) tree. It needed the fruit. It was symbiotic, and its droppings fertilized the tree. When there were no more trees, the bird went extinct.

3/29/10    ...for example, if they don't go through the bottleneck, and the gene is split, then the offspring will have them.     

3/31/10   ...I don't think so... I don't know every single animal. (student asked if saber-toothed tigers still exist)

3/31/10   How many of you know that panthers lived in Florida at one time?

3/31/10   A triangle means change, because it's a Greek letter in the alphabet called Delta, and it means change.   

4/01/10   They might take Dolly, a sheep, and mix it with a llama, or something like that (explaining Selective Breeding to the class). 

4/26/10   (She told our whole class that the shrimp would eat the phytoplankton and therefore accumulate UV radiation.)

4/26/10   (the shrimp would obtain these mutations via bio-accumulation) 

5/27/10   "uneven, uneven...uneven, uneven..."

5/27/10   If you go out to the shore in the summer, you will see the oil.

5/27/10   Fuel may not exist because there will be no tiny little marine organisms.    

5/27/10   Natural gas... works by... burning......(*stands waving arms with silence*) the production of the organisms.

5/27/10   Canada covers Canada and some of the United States.

6/01/10 has the protons and neutrons, which are attracted to each other because of opposite charges... it also has electrons, which...   

6/01/10   (poor observation skills & smugness)

6/01/10   France.. supplies the nuclear ("nucular") energy to all of Europe... and certainly the whole country.

6/02/10   What is a placer deposit? (displaying picture of a tornado)

6/02/10 separate water from the dioxide (explaining hydrolysis)   

6/04/10   If you have an apple, it has a core that it grows from. So in essence, the core of the apple is what you eat.

6/09/10  Your computer will not work - there is no Google today!

6/09/10   I don't remember, when I was nine. I don't know what I knew then.

6/11/10   The last I heard, it was called, in short, The Soviet Union. (Marsha tried to explain to the class that Russia was not a country, and it was actually the Soviet Union for about 3 minutes while the class tried to explain that it had been dissolved.)    

6/15/10   Pangaea! (displaying picture of modern continents)