
6/04/10   If you have an apple, it has a core that it grows from. So in essence, the core of the apple is what you eat.

5/27/10   Fuel may not exist because there will be no tiny little marine organisms.

4/26/10   (phytoplankton obtain UV radiation, UV radiation is obtained by shrimp via bio-accumulation, shrimp obtain mutations via bio-accumulation) 

4/01/10   They might take Dolly, a sheep, and mix it with a llama, or something like that (explaining selective breeding to the class)

3/31/10   How many of you know that panthers lived in Florida at one time?

3/29/10   It's just one organism on the planet. Because bacteria mutates, it absorbs the antibiotics.

3/29/10   So when a child does not eat much for 5 years its DNA will be altered, and it will not grow as tall. 

3/29/10   The dodo bird lived off of a tree. It was called a (?????) tree. It needed the fruit. It was symbiotic, and its droppings fertilized the tree. When there were no more trees, the bird went extinct.

3/29/10   ...for example, if they don't go through the bottleneck, and the gene is split, then the offspring will have them.

3/26/10   These are bacteria (picture of blood cells). [more through link]

3/25/10   Aboriginals are considered the most intelligent people in the world. They walk around in loincloths.

3/19/10   Essentially, insects hibernate, squirrels and bears sleep most of the time.

3/19/10   [Marsha Sall explains how there are no trees in the rainforest and how there are only vines (which do not grow on trees, they simply grow straight up to the sky)]

3/18/10   In the desert, pine, you're gonna have needles, so the water can needle, to run down the needle.

3/11/10   A whale will eat a crab. (in response to a student asking if crabs would eat dead whales)

3/11/10   A hawk was cycling around my yard, circling, to eat a bird, which ate a cricket presumably.

3/10/10   (pointing to a marlin on the food chain) "Mammals."

3/10/10   Fungi (pronounced "fun-gee") are mushrooms.

3/09/10   This is called a Wild Beast. (pointing to a picture of a wildebeest)

3/05/10   What do animals exhale? I think it's methane.
               (the whole class says CO2)
               *gives puzzled look*
               *picks up worksheet*
               Oh, it's CO2. They exhale methane out of their butts.