Thursday, March 18, 2010

3/18/10 Savanna, redundancy, & nonsense

I have them scored, but I just need to grade them.

In the desert, pine, you're gonna have needles, so the water can needle, to run down the needle.
So pine trees have needles in order for water to needle down the needles? Well, I guess that makes sense.

For savanna, you're going to be close to Savanna, Georgia, Gulf of Mexico. (explaining the savanna biome to the class)
In other news, Bubba McBanjo was recently mauled by a lion.

OMG! LOOK! It's a herd of Wild Beasts!


Cassondra said...

what the front door is she talking about? i was unaware that Georgia was anywhere near the Gulf of Mexico....i always thought it was on the border of the Atlantic Ocean...i mean that is where it is situated on the map of the united states.

bobbafette said...

no.... but the map is clearly wron

Anonymous said...

what Atlantic Ocean? only 3 percent of earth is liquid

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