Wednesday, June 2, 2010

6/1/10 - Protons & Neutrons have opposite charges, France provides power for Europe

France.. supplies the nuclear ("nucular") energy to all of Europe... and certainly the whole country.
France, a-ah, savior of the Euroverse!

(student), may I see your pass? (student just entered the room 40 seconds ago)
(student goes up with pass)
(other student): She has already been here for 10 minutes.
Excuse me, Mr (other student), I do know that, excuse me, I know. (with 'I'm so smart smugness)
..the power of observation at its finest has the protons and neutrons, which are attracted to each other because of opposite charges... it also has electrons, which...
You heard it here, folks.

Technically: 1
Concept: 3
Essence: 3
New Papers: 5

New Sall-Talk definitions added: extremendous, fridee

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