Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2/9/10 Carbon Genes & 6ft Lab Tables

Humans used to have 20% more carbon in their bodies.
Cory: What do you mean, like the element carbon?
Cory: You're saying they had more atoms of carbon in their bodies?
Yes, because carbon is an element with a half life.
*pulls down periodic table & points to carbon*
Cory: Yeah, but you don't get your carbon from your parents.
But you get your genes from your parents!
Cory: Nevermind.

In college my professor had us stare at a burning candle. There are actually 132 ways to describe a burning candle.
As a burning candle is a dynamically changing object, there are an infinite number of ways to describe it.

The lab table is two meters high.
Two meters is around six and a half feet.

A hypothesis is not a guess. (repeated atleast 5x within a 1 minute period) A hypothesis is an educated guess, it is a guess.

1 comment:

Cassondra said...

wait so if it's not a guess...then it's a guess?

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