Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Future of the Blog...and apologies....

Some of you may have seen a recent post in which I described some events in which I was wronged (by Marsha Sall) with some offensive and insulting language. As the issue regarding this post was eventually met with a compromise, I removed the post and apologize for any insults. I do not want this site to be one of insult.

EDIT: I would also like to mention that I received an email from the head of the science department regarding the described post after I removed the post. I don't want anyone falsely taking credit for this action, and this action was due to the kindness of my blood-pump.

I have not yet decided on the future of this blog, but recently its contents are starting to give me more of a feeling of this:

At the same time, some of the absurdity and recent events have given me a feeling of this:

(I like how this one mentions the trees)

..and it is because of these things that there is a possibility that website will end up like this:

Any feedback regarding this matter is welcome, whether you are a student, a fan, a teacher, a school administrator, or the Mighty One herself.

5/27/10 - Canada is Canada.. and the US

Canada covers Canada and some of the United States.
As Stephen Harper rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go?........

Natural gas... works by... burning......(*stands waving arms with silence*) the production of the organisms.
Teaching should not result in the burning of students' minds.

Fuel may not exist because there will be no tiny little marine organisms.
..maybe things just aren't as instantaneous as you would like?

If you go out to the shore in the summer, you will see the oil. (referring to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico...those poor lions)
Student: Wait. Hold on. So you're telling me that if I go to the beach this summer, I will see oil from the spill?
Yes, they're expecting it to come through the current.
Attention all guidos, please leave the beach.

"uneven, uneven...uneven, uneven..."
The class was a little confused by this tourettic explosion.

Introducing...the new counter system!

As Environmental Science is a class about environmental science and one that preaches the values of ecological conservation, I think it is important for you to know that Marsha is the most wasteful person I know. I have received about 15x more papers in this class than any other class I have ever had.

To illustrate this abomination to our arboreal friends, posts will now include a number for how many papers each student received.

5/20/10: 7
5/21/10: I forgot to count
5/24/10: 8
5/25/10: 4
5/26/10: I forgot once again
5/27/10: Now I'm just being lazy

It is also known by anyone who has had this class before that Marsha creatively spices up her sentences by throwing in the words concept, essence, and technically (and forms of those words) because she believes this makes her appear intelligent. It should also be noted that these words are rarely correctly used. In addition to the paper counter, there will be a tally for technically, essence, and concept when they are improperly or unnecessarily used.

Technically: 2
Concept: 5
Essence: 4
5/21/10: I got lazy again
5/24/10: I got lazy once again
5/25/10: I once again got lazy.
5/26/10: I once again got lazy once again.
5/27/10: I logged concept 6 times but was too lazy for the rest of them

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Name-Change FAIL

Marcia Sall


Cherry Hill High School (west)

Cherry Hill, New Jersey

  • Ratings: 7
  • Average Easiness: 2.9
  • Average Helpfulness: 1.1
  • Average Clarity: 1.1

I wonder what her name will be next year after she's cut...I'm shooting for "Maria Sallsa."