Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2/24/10 Walking is moving, mass = area

The mass of water on the Earth is 71% of the Earth's surface

When you walk outside onto the parking lot, you are moving.

Did you know that the ice caps on Mars are melting? And there's no people there!

Monday, February 22, 2010

2/22/10 Skiing on concrete

The atmosphere layers have pauses in between.
hence Pink Floyd's Great Vacuum in the Sky

Vancouver has no snow, but we have snow here.
This is why Olympians ski on concrete.

The continents will all become one again. You will be able to walk from New York to London.
For some reason I can't see myself doing this.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

2/18/10 Olympics measure in velocity

All the Olympic events are measured in distance over time, so they're measured in seconds.
Wow, I never knew they measured Olympic events by velocity. Apparently seconds don't measure time, either.

A liter bottle that you drink, well, it's not a liter, but it is a liter.
All the sheeple can get fooled by the evil bottling companies.

..the water displacement for the gold crown was greater than the other because it was more dense.
Volume schmolume.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2/17/10 $500 ruler

A $500 ruler is more precise than a 25 cent ruler, even though they do the same exact thing.
Same exact thing kind of implies that they do the same exact function. Find me this $500 ruler.

Friday, February 12, 2010

2/12/10 Probabilities don't need fractions

The probability of sharing a birthday with someone is actually 18,334,330.
I was unaware that whole numbers expressed probability.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2/9/10 Carbon Genes & 6ft Lab Tables

Humans used to have 20% more carbon in their bodies.
Cory: What do you mean, like the element carbon?
Cory: You're saying they had more atoms of carbon in their bodies?
Yes, because carbon is an element with a half life.
*pulls down periodic table & points to carbon*
Cory: Yeah, but you don't get your carbon from your parents.
But you get your genes from your parents!
Cory: Nevermind.

In college my professor had us stare at a burning candle. There are actually 132 ways to describe a burning candle.
As a burning candle is a dynamically changing object, there are an infinite number of ways to describe it.

The lab table is two meters high.
Two meters is around six and a half feet.

A hypothesis is not a guess. (repeated atleast 5x within a 1 minute period) A hypothesis is an educated guess, it is a guess.

Monday, February 8, 2010

2/8/10 Firemen use fire & redundancy

Firemen fight fire with fire.
Yeah, who uses water anymore?

Do it by yourself with a partner.