
5/27/10   "uneven, uneven...uneven, uneven..."

3/29/10   Biodiversity is just another name, for, (reads computer screen), biological diversity.

3/25/10   Whenever you have a graph, the whole idea is to see what the graph is telling you.

3/25/10   Aboriginals are considered the most intelligent people in the world. They walk around in loincloths.

3/18/10   I have them scored, but I just need to grade them.

3/11/10   Turn around, and don't turn around again. (said to student facing forward)

3/08/10   I hear what you are saying, but I don't hear what you are saying.

3/05/10    How many miles is 4 miles?

2/24/10   When you walk outside onto the parking lot, you are moving.

2/18/10   A liter bottle that you drink, well, it's not a liter, but it is a liter.  

2/09/10   A hypothesis is not a guess. (repeated at least 5x within a 1 minute period) A hypothesis is an educated guess, it is a guess.

2/08/10   Do it by yourself with a partner.