Monday, April 26, 2010

Rate Marsha Sall's Teaching!

Well, we all know that a certain someone is not keeping their job, but I think it is in the best interest of the state and its people that we rate Marsha's teaching career.

Go rate your hearts out:

Remember to only rate/review once (I'm not sure it allows you to rate/review more than once), and remember to be as honest as possible.

As it is possible that Marsha may know how to use a computer and may attempt to vote multiple times in her favor, please comment on this post with your rating & review!

(It will be obvious what writing is hers, as words will not form sentences and every third word will be "technically", "essence", or "essentially.")

The Site will now be back in session

I have been lazy with the website for a while, but I can take it no longer. I could have obtained at least 30 horrible quotes today in one 72 minute block. I can't even remember them there were so many, but I'll sum up some of them.

Marsha tried to explain to our class how UV radiation will build up in organisms via bio-accumulation, once again proving that she has no idea what bio-accumulation is.

I had had enough at this point, and I asked her what she meant by that statement and after I reiterated what she was telling us numerous times she confirmed it as science and Sallology. I then proposed a hypothetical situation, in which UV radiation was reaching phytoplankton and shrimp ate the phytoplankton.

She told our whole class that the shrimp would eat the phytoplankton and therefore accumulate UV radiation.

She then even went on to tell us that if the UV radiation was to cause mutations in the phytoplankton that THE SHRIMP WOULD OBTAIN THESE MUTATIONS VIA BIO-ACCUMULATION. (something about this sounds familiar)

At this point the whole class was laughing, and she lost control, telling me "YOU TRY TO MAKE ME LOOK LIKE A FOOL JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND THESE THINGS!" Marsha then went on to yell more of "YOU JUST CAN'T UNDERSTAND THIS" and surprisingly enough, the class continued to laugh.

Now as I do think it is unprofessional to insult your students (not to mention in front of the whole class), I think it must be applauded how she managed to undermine herself in such a hilarious way.

I will now continue to update the site to try and show what this teacher truly is. Not only does she still fail to understand simple concepts, but she has gone as far as announcing to the class that a certain student "has a problem. His mother told me all about it. That's why..." I won't say any more of this as I do not want to embarrass this student, but this level of professionalism is beyond absurd. I have never known of a teacher who gossiped about a student's disease to a class.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

4/01/10 Dolly-llama

They might take Dolly, a sheep, and mix it with a llama, or something like that (explaining Selective Breeding to the class).
I believe this may give us insight regarding how Marsha Sall thinks.