Wednesday, March 31, 2010

3/31/10 Nothing special... cats..

A triangle means change, because it's a Greek letter in the alphabet called Delta, and it means change.
Thanks for clearing that up.

How many of you know that panthers lived in Florida at one time?

The Florida Panther lives. (which isn't even a true panther).

Student: Do saber-toothed tigers still exist?
...I don't think so... I don't know every single animal.

There was more site-worthy material said today, but I wasn't able to transcribe it verbatim, so I will not be putting it on the website.

I also added a quote from the 29th that I forgot to add..enjoy.

Monday, March 29, 2010

3/29/10 Food alters DNA & splitting genes

Biodiversity is just another name, for, (reads computer screen), biological diversity.
That was deep.

(student asked why only a small amount of the estimated number of bacteria species have been classified)
It's just one organism on the planet. Because bacteria mutates, it absorbs the antibiotics.
Someone is full of fail.

So when a child does not eat much for 5 years its DNA will be altered, and it will not grow as tall.

Think today about all of the species that you know exist, and we'll learn some that don't.

The dodo bird lived off of a tree. It was called a (?????) tree. It needed the fruit. It was symbiotic, and its droppings fertilized the tree. When there were no more trees, the bird went extinct.
Facts taken straight from Encyclopedia Britannica's Out-of-Your-Ass Volume.

...for example, if they don't go through the bottleneck, and the gene is split, then the offspring will have them.
Alright, seriously, what the hell just happened?

What animal do you want to go extinct?
Student: The naked mole rat.
I don't know what that is. Why do you want it to go extinct?
Student: -because they're stupid, fat, and ugly.
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Minor Updates

I made some minor updates to the site today.
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Sunday, March 28, 2010

3/26/10 Contradiction, Comprehension, & Confusion

Other Teacher: No teacher should have students as friends on Facebook.
I agree, it crosses the lines, boundaries.
Ms. Sall has tried adding students from our class as friends on Facebook.

These are bacteria. (picture of erythrocytes & leukocytes)
Student: Those look like red blood cells.
Yes, well, they do, but they are bacteria. They may look like blood cells.
This looks like a teacher, but it actually is not.

I don't think there's an answer here. It actually has no answer. It's how you think.
(She read a question-of-the-day off of a word document, and scrolled down to find that she forgot to find the answer.)
I like how this teacher is prepared for each lesson.

The stone wasn't from the island, so it must have been transported with advanced machinery. (referring to Easter Island)
There's no way they just carved the stone that was already there! Oh wait, they were carved out of tuff from Rano Raraku, the giant volcanic crater (on Easter Island).

Excuse me, eh, Jack, Zack, Mister, 'Jurremy'

Thursday, March 25, 2010

3/25/10 Nothing special.. someone was on their best behavior..

Whenever you have a graph, the whole idea is to see what the graph is telling you.
Wow, this whole time I've just been staring with my mouth open at the pretty lines.

Aboriginals are considered the most intelligent people in the world. They walk around in loincloths.

Why hasn't this been updated?

As you may have realized, the most recent quote is from 3/22 (it's in the header). This is because since then (teacher) has not returned to school.

Hopefully (teacher) will return by Friday, and the site will get some fresh material.

Update: (teacher) returned to school today!

Friday, March 19, 2010

3/19/10 There are no trees in the rainforest (AUDIO!)

That, what, you notice with most the recent flooding a lot of trees will be knocked down because there are no more root support, which is why the tropical rainforest can't support trees. There's, to, the soil's not there, and there's too much wet rain.

Okay, how are musk oxen adapted to life in the tundra?

(student asks about how are there no trees in the rain forest)

They have vines. Right they have very thin trees. Most of the trees are supported with vines. If I can find a picture I'll show you exactly what they look like.
(students continue to question, (teacher) tries to cover herself by saying...)
It's not the kind of trees we think of in the boreal forest. (Boreal forest??? Where did that come from???)

(Student: Wait, but don't vines grow on trees for support?)

No, not these kind of vines.

(class laughing)

These vines..

(Student: How do they grow up if there's nothing to climb?)

They do, vines climb, they can grow all over the place.

(Student: So they don't climb, they just go straight up?)

They do, usually, lot's go side to side, a lot of them grow up and down.

For details you'd have to check with a biologist, I don't have any details on vine growth. It's not like not one of my, um, yeah, I'm not 100% confident in telling you a lot about the vines and trees.


(Student: So the tropical rainforest, doesn't have any trees?)

It has trees, but it's not the kind of trees that you find in the boreal forest. There's a difference, okay? Alright, let's go!

|Insect Hibernation|

How do insects, squirrels, bears, lynxes, wolves adapt to winter?

Essentially, insects hibernate, squirrels and bears sleep most of the time.

(student: That's hibernating.)

Well, it's different, hibernation is a prolonged sleep.

(student: Bears hibernate.)

Um, squirrels and bears sleep most of the time.
(Student: Bears do hibernate.

And lynxes and wolves grow heavy coats.

(Student: Wait, what was...)

Insects hibernate, squirrels and bears sleep most of the time, and lynxes and wolves grow heavy coats. There we go!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

3/18/10 Savanna, redundancy, & nonsense

I have them scored, but I just need to grade them.

In the desert, pine, you're gonna have needles, so the water can needle, to run down the needle.
So pine trees have needles in order for water to needle down the needles? Well, I guess that makes sense.

For savanna, you're going to be close to Savanna, Georgia, Gulf of Mexico. (explaining the savanna biome to the class)
In other news, Bubba McBanjo was recently mauled by a lion.

OMG! LOOK! It's a herd of Wild Beasts! the writing of Marsha Sall

After a lot of pushing, I was able to get (teacher) to write this on March 12th. Before she actually wrote what she was talking about, she searched online furiously before writing that message 10 minutes later. She refused to write the other things she said, so I asked her to use her pen to write down her responses to two of my questions.

Before she wrote the note she was using the number "30" instead of "30,000."

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Marsha Sall is "Highly qualified."

Information available to the public via
Name Sall, Marsha Status full-time Degree Masters
County BURLINGTON District RANCOCAS VALLEY REGIONAL School Rancocas Valley Reg. H.S.
School address Rancocas Valley Reg. H.S., MOUNT HOLLY 08060 Map
2 years Experience
New Jersey
11 years Experience
11 years
SALARY $64,550 Employment 10 Months Job Code 2202
Job 1 Science General FTE F Job 2
Job 3
Job 4
Nat'l Bd.
Certificate Standard Grade Level High School Highly Qualified? Highly qualified. Has gradate or undergraduate degree in subject area.
Classes Taught 3

Friday, March 12, 2010

3/12/10 X-Ray, more carbon, phosphorus, & mental shutdown

What you see before you is an actual x-ray of the human body.
That is the exact image she was referring to and displaying via the projector.

The pollutants are used for cellular respiration.
Sweet, I want some!

If you are exposed to nuclear radiation, mutations may be passed on for generations by bio-accumulation.
In what way is that bio-accumulation?

Some of you have, wait, most of you, some, most of you have parts of carbon in you.

People used to have more carbon in their bodies.
Student: That makes no sense.
Excuse me!
Student: You're saying that people had more carbon atoms in their bodies?
Yes, because, carbon is an element, and it has a half life.
Not this crap again!

If you are a parent with 4 carbon molecules, and they have 6 protons, when you progenerate, your children will have less, because of carbon decay, so they will have less, thus it has been factually proven that humans once had more carbon.
WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? So she is saying that people have 4 carbon molecules, and that they will pass on less PROTONS via carbon decay.

Carbon is cycled, so sometimes it will be in the body and the ground, you will lose some. (in response to a student asking how humans have less carbon if it's cycled)

Flammable ("flah-mobble") becomes, it, the, eh, deh, the useful, for, uh, petroleum.
I was unaware that flammable was a chemical, and it appears that someone's brain shut down mid-speak.

There's something called white phosphorus, well, technically its red, and it's in matches. (She just found a picture of a red match in her Word document).
There are white doves, but, you know, technically they're red.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

3/11/10 Hawks & Shirt changing

A hawk was cycling around my yard, circling, to eat a bird, which ate a cricket presumably.

Turn around, and don't turn around again. (said to student facing forward)
Sure will/won't.

A whale will eat a crab. (in response to a student asking if crabs would eat dead whales)
No whale eats crabs.

Why do you have a different shirt on?
Student: I'm not wearing a different shirt.
Yes you are! You were wearing a different one!
Student: I never changed my shirt.
Did you go to your locker and change your shirt?!
Methinks someone is having some cross-chatter between brain hemispheres.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

3/10/10 Fungee

Fungi (pronounced "fun-gee") are mushrooms.
Mold begs to differ.

(pointing to a marlin on the food chain) "Mammals."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

3/9/10 3% of Earth's water is liquid

Only 3% of the Earth's water is liquid.

This is called a Wild Beast. (pointing to a picture of a wildebeest)

Monday, March 8, 2010

3/8/10 I hear what you're saying, but I don't

I hear what you are saying, but I don't hear what you are saying.
I'm sorry to hear that.

Friday, March 5, 2010

3/5/10 Animals exhale methane

Discover films have 700 options that sometimes do not fit.
This makes no remote sense whatsoever.

How many miles is 4 miles?

What do animals exhale? I think it's methane.
(the whole class says CO2)
*gives puzzled look*
*picks up worksheet*
"Oh, it's CO2. They exhale methane out of their butts."
Alright, this is seriously scary.